Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Salam and regards to all readers.

This is my second training session at Institut Latihan Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan Selangor (ILPBT) Morib. It is called 'Kursus Asas Pengurusan Bagi Ahli-ahli Majlis PBT Selangor siri AM3/2009 3,4 & 5 November 2009.

I happened to be one of the elderly participants. Nonetheless l find the training beneficial and a lot of new things were exposed to us councillors. My heartiest congratulation to the organizer for making our stay fruitful.

One interesting experience was to become a celeberity at the beach. Both Dr Daroyah and me had a fun time welcoming the wave as it touched the shore. How many decades had passed since l learned the phrase ' She sells sea shell at the sea shore'.

On the second day during tea break we had a surprise celeberation for three of our colleagues whose birthdays came within one or two days before 4th November. Everyone sang "Allah Selamatkan kamu dan kami semua'. It was quite touching to know that someone cared for us Ahli Majlis, some like me are already reaching senior citizen status.

During breakfast on the third day we were talking about the rise and fall of leaders. Learning and adopting from Prophet Muhammad saw as profound leader recognized worldwide, a significant benchmark was his unblemished character. We concluded the discussion by a commitment to polish our communication skills especially towards government officials and staff to ensure we are not stepping on their self esteem or show disrespect that has a long term ramifications.

My prayer is that PBT or municipalities do portray good governance in the way citizens' taxes are spent. Councillors are advisers to the officers of PBT and they need to be well versed with all the rules and regulations that need to be enforced and abided to.

In one article by Dr Goh Ban Lee (read his excellent book 'Counselling Local Councils') he quoted a city Bonn in Germany as a first world city where people comply with municipal rules and regulations based on DOING WHAT IS RIGHT FOR THE GOOD OF SOCIETY'. In determining WHAT IS RIGHT l must say many councillors are not in unison considering their many backgrounds, age, gender, race and religion. But l believe as long as we are conscious that we are only a partner in making the present world a better place to live in... we should work together, not only among human, but the world at large and never forgetting to be grateful to our CREATOR THE ALMIGHTY.


  1. Tahniah, Syabas dah buat channel untuk rekodkan segala idea. Gambar di pantai tu cantik. Lepas ni belajar ambik gambar pula. Kalau boleh cadang nama untuk blog.Yang ada tu kira 'discription'of the blog.salam.

  2. tq. i tak tahu nama blog. apa beza dengan discription blog. ni orang kata half bake knowledge. nanti tanya cik gu
